Alvania Lopez Alvania Lopez

Rise and Shine: Bagel Bliss at Midnight Morning Cafe!

It all begins with an idea.

Hey there, early birds and night owls alike! Welcome to the tantalizing tale of how our beloved bagels come to life at Midnight Morning. So, grab a cup of joe, settle in, and let’s spill the beans (and the cream cheese) on our bagel-making process!

Step 1: The Dough Dance

Our bagel journey begins with a good ol’ dough dance. We mix flour, water, yeast, and a dash of magic to create the perfect dough. But here’s the twist: our dough gets its groove on while it’s being kneaded. That’s right, folks, we believe in infusing every bagel with a little rhythm and soul. Who knew bagel making could be so funky?

Step 2: Shape Shifting

Once our dough has been serenaded into submission, it’s time to shape things up. We lovingly roll and stretch each piece into that iconic bagel shape. Round and round they go, transforming from humble dough balls into glorious, ring-shaped wonders. It’s like a mini makeover for breakfast!

Step 3: Boil, Baby, Boil

Now, here’s where things get steamy. We give our soon-to-be bagels a hot bath in boiling water. Why, you ask? Well, that’s the secret to their chewy exterior and soft interior. It’s like sending them to a spa retreat, but for bagels. They emerge from their soak feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.

Step 4: Bake ‘Em Till They’re Golden

After their steamy dip, it’s time for our bagels to get their tan on. We pop them into the oven and let them bask in the warmth until they’re golden brown and irresistibly aromatic. It’s like a sun-kissed vacation for our bagels, minus the sunscreen.

Step 5: Spread the Love

And finally, the pièce de résistance: the toppings! Whether you’re a classic cream cheese connoisseur or a wild and adventurous avocado aficionado, we’ve got something to tickle your taste buds. Smear, sprinkle, or slather – the choice is yours. Just remember, there’s no wrong way to top a bagel at Midnight Morning Cafe.

And there you have it, folks! The not-so-secret recipe behind our mouthwatering bagels. So next time you’re craving a carb-filled delight, swing by our cafe and indulge in a little bagel bliss. We promise, it’ll be love at first bite!

Until next time, keep munching and spreading the joy, one bagel at a time.

Yours in breakfast bliss,

The Midnight Morning Crew

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Alvania Lopez Alvania Lopez

Unlocking the Magic of Midnight Morning: Introducing the Cinnamon Toast Old Fashioned!

It all begins with an idea.

Hey there, cocktail aficionados! Welcome back to the flavorful world of Midnight Morning, where every sip tells a story and every concoction is a journey into the realms of taste bud bliss. Today, we're ready to unveil a true gem of mixology mastery: the Cinnamon Toast Old Fashioned.

Imagine the cozy embrace of a morning sunrise blended with the mysterious allure of midnight mischief. That's the essence of this delightful elixir. With our house-infused Oat Bourbon leading the charge, paired with the enchanting dance of cinnamon brown sugar and bitters, get ready for a symphony of flavors that'll have your palate doing cartwheels of joy!

First things first, let's talk about that house-infused Oat Bourbon. We take our bourbon seriously here at Midnight Morning, infusing it with the warm, nutty notes of oats to create a smoothness that'll have you sighing in contentment with every sip. It's like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket on a chilly night - comforting and utterly satisfying.

Now, onto the star of the show - cinnamon brown sugar. Ah, the spice of life! We've blended this timeless duo to perfection, creating a melody of sweetness and warmth that'll make your taste buds sing. It's like a hug from your favorite childhood memories, with just the right amount of grown-up sophistication thrown in for good measure.

But what's an Old Fashioned without a dash of bitters? Fear not, dear readers, for we've got you covered. Our bitters are the secret ingredient that ties this whole concoction together, adding depth and complexity to every glorious sip. It's the cherry on top of an already delectable cocktail, elevating it to legendary status.

So, how do you bring this masterpiece to life? It's simple, really. Just combine our house-infused Oat Bourbon, a sprinkle of cinnamon brown sugar, a few dashes of bitters, and ice in a glass. Give it a good stir, and voila! You've got yourself a Cinnamon Toast Old Fashioned that'll make you the envy of every cocktail party.

Whether you're sipping it by the fire on a cold winter's night or enjoying it al fresco on a balmy summer evening, the Cinnamon Toast Old Fashioned is sure to delight your senses and leave you craving more. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the magic of Midnight Morning and experience the unforgettable taste of pure bliss. Cheers! 🥃✨

Truly Yours,

The Midnight Morning Crew

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Alvania Lopez Alvania Lopez

Sweet as Honey: Why We're Buzzing About Local Ingredients!

It all begins with an idea.

Hey there, early birds and night owls! Welcome to the delicious world of Midnight Morning, where the flavors are as bold as the sunrise and as comforting as a cozy night in. Today, we're dishing up some food for thought about why sourcing local ingredients is the bee's knees, with a special shoutout to our honey-licious local vendor!

Here at Midnight Morning, we're all about keeping it real – real tasty, real fresh, and real local. That's why we're proud to partner with our neighborhood honey hero to bring you the sweetest, stickiest nectar straight from the hive to your plate. Why go global when you can go local, right?

So, why all the buzz about sourcing local ingredients? Well, first off, it's all about that flavor, baby! There's something magical about ingredients that are grown and crafted right in your own backyard. They're bursting with flavor, packed with personality, and guaranteed to give your taste buds a one-way ticket to Flavor Town.

But wait, there's more! Sourcing local isn't just about taste – it's about supporting your community, too. When you choose local ingredients, you're not just filling your belly with goodness; you're also putting food on the table for local farmers, artisans, and producers. It's like giving your taste buds a high-five and your community a big ol' bear hug at the same time.

And let's not forget about the planet, shall we? By keeping it local, we're reducing our carbon footprint and giving Mother Earth a little love in the process. No need for ingredients to rack up frequent flyer miles when they can just take a quick stroll down the street to our kitchen!

Now, let's talk about that liquid gold we call honey. Our local honey isn't just any old sweetener – it's a superstar ingredient that's as versatile as it is delicious. From drizzling over pancakes to sweetening up your morning latte, our honey adds a touch of sweetness that's simply un-bee-lievable.

So, whether you're a regular at the crack of dawn or you prefer to dance under the moonlight, there's something special about knowing that your breakfast, brunch, or midnight snack is made with love and local ingredients. So come on down to Midnight Morning and taste the difference that local makes – we promise you won't bee disappointed!


The Midnight Morning Crew

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